39th S4 Symposium - 2014

Read notes from other recent conferences.

Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014
Host campus: California State University, Fullerton

For additional information, contact: Dr. Stephen Stambough, Division of Politics, Administration, and Justice, CSU Fullerton, (657) 278-2933; sstambough@fullerton.edu.

Attention Presenters: See handouts for some tips on making your presentation more effective This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., and additional tips (in PDF format) specifically geared toward this conferenceThis link will open a PDF file. (pdf).

Registration Deadline Update: Registration for the Conference is closed.

The CSU, SSRIC Student Research Conference is modeled on professional conferences in the social sciences. The Council invites both undergraduate and graduate students, from all CSU and California Community College campuses and in all areas of the social sciences, to present their research to their peers. Research that involves human or animal subjects must have appropriate institutional review.

Individual and group papers are welcome.  Participants will make oral presentations of about 15 minutes in length. Papers accompanying the presentation must be 20 pages or less in length. Lunch will be provided to participants.

The atmosphere of the Conference is relaxed, and the emphasis is on meeting and sharing with students with similar interests from throughout the CSU. Dress should be dressy casual.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR THIS YEAR'S CONFERENCE:Thanks to a generous donation from Dr. Gene Geisler, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at San Francisco State and a key founding member of the SSRIC, the 2014 Conference will include three $5,000 best paper awards, as well as awards of up to $100 for other papers presented.

Before you register, read the attached PDF fileThis link will open a PDF file. (pdf) very carefully. If the Adobe Reader PDF viewer is not already installed on your device, you'll need the free download This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

To be considered for a best paper award, you must register for the conference This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and submit your full paper with your registration. In addition, include an abstract of not more than 100 words. Deadline: April 10, 2014. Important note: While unlikely, it is possible that, depending on volume, registrations may have to be cut off earlier, so you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

If you are not interested in being considered for an award, but would like to make an oral presentation at the Conference, register for the Conference This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and post an abstract of not more than 100 words with your registration. Deadline: April 24, 2014.Important note: While unlikely, it is possible that, depending on volume, registrations may have to be cut off earlier, so you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. .

The Conference will be held on campus in the Titan Student Union Pavilions.

Windows-based computers with PowerPoint and projection units will be available in Conference rooms. To avoid problems in loading presentations, bring your PowerPoint presentation on a CD or flash drive. Be sure to let Dr. Stambough know if you have any additional needs.

If you have questions about the awards, contact Dr. John Korey, award committee chair, at JLKorey@csupomona.edu. For all other inquiries, contact (in order of priority):

Note: The CSU SSRIC Student Research Conference is separate from the similarly-named CSU Student Research Competition This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (CSU East Bay, May 2-3, 2014). It is OK to present your paper at both events.