The Social Science Research & Instructional Center

Who We Are

The California State University Social Science Research and Instructional Center (SSRIC) provides:


Access for CSU students, faculty, and staff to more than 70,000 subscription databases from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR); and to other databases.


Workshops on the use of these data, as well as on SPSS, SDA, GIS, and other topics as needed. Provided at no cost to CSU campuses. Other institutions: please contact us for more information.


The annual SSRIC Social Science Student Symposium (S4). Open to undergraduate and graduate students at CSU.


Research and training opportunities through SSRIC's Seed Grant Award Program and SSRIC's ICPSR Summer Course stipends.


Value-added teaching resources, including modules and exercises, online textbooks, and guides for various statistics software, such as SPSS, SDA, R, and Stata.

Find Your Campus Representative


Overseeing the Center is the Social Science Research and Instructional Council (also called the SSRIC). Founded in 1971, the Council is the oldest of the affinity groups (formerly known as "discipline councils") in the California State University system. With representatives from each of the CSU campuses, the Council is dedicated to assisting students and faculty in their learning, teaching, and research by: 

  • Providing a forum for sharing information about social science data and computer products;
  • Initiating and conducting training programs;
  • Recommending computerized social science projects in the CSU curriculum;
  • Encouraging the collection and distribution of social science data and computer-related instructional and research materials; and
  • Advising CSU administrators on policies related to providing quantitative social science data for research and instruction.